C7 – Base Ecclesial Community

c7Our ministry operates, within the Tijuana – San Diego border region, as a Comunidad de Base, (Christian Base Community).

We come together to study, theologize, and work for the kingdom of God.  We seek to have the greatest impact possible in our neighborhoods and region as we intentionally promote the personal and spiritual growth of all our members. Our focus is on human need rather than church dogma.

We understand that the church should not accept the suffering of the poor as inevitable; and, that the church should be open to dialogue with the world outside its own walls. The foundation of our church ministry is centered on Christ’s call to right actions rather than right beliefs (orthodoxy)

We distinguish ourselves from other religious groups by our invitation to look, and consider Jesus’ model in a critical and progressive way. As a ministry, it is our responsibility to increase our participants’ awareness of their rights, while offering ourselves in solidarity in supporting our bi-national community in the struggles to obtain justice. We seek to connect the individual to the community, the impoverished to the powerful, and the spiritual to the political.